ADOMiS was represented by members of the project team at this year’s Section Conference of the German Sociological Association (DGS), which took place in Osnabrück from September 23 to 25. The event was titled “Classes, Classifications, Classifiers.” Project leader Prof. Dr. Mirjam Fischer participated in the opening panel discussion. The three central terms of the conference—classes, classifications, and classifiers—were explained by the speakers, connected to one another, and placed in the context of their own research practices.
On the following day, Dr. Esto Mader and Lea Luttenberger presented the project in the panel “Intersectional Analyses – Between Categorical and Processual Inequalities and Their Interdependencies Considering Gender” with a presentation titled “Intersectional Perspectives in Quantitative Surveys of the Careers of Marginalized Researchers.” The contribution highlighted how an intersectional perspective, drawing on Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality framework, can methodologically structure quantitative research: a mixed-methods approach with participatory elements is proposed. In examining academic careers, the team emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives throughout the research process. This is implemented, among other things, through the involvement of researchers who identify as (multiply) marginalized in the development of a questionnaire for the subsequent quantitative survey.
During the conference, the team attended inspiring lectures, engaged in exciting discussions, and gained valuable insights. Plans are already underway to visit next year’s DGS Congress at the University of Duisburg. The team extends their gratitude to the organizers at the University of Osnabrück for these inspiring days.